Pretty Little Things
A lot of people hate on Martha Stewart. She did some shitty things, but
1. She did time; that's more than most celebrities do when they step in shit.
2. She has built an amazing empire.
3. She's actually quite talented.
I'm not a woman who has always been obsessed with weddings. Much to the dismay of many of my law school classmates I do not have a picture of my ideal wedding, nor have I already decided on names for my non-existent children. But I do have an appreciation for Martha's wedding cakes.

If you refer to the post "Wanted - Dream Job" you will see that baking and decorating cakes was in my want ad. Preferably it would be nice to do wedding cakes.
But I'm not sure how I feel about her latest magazine, Blueprint.
Blueprint seems nice enough at first. The advertisement lists a bunch of fun things:
16 Instant Artwork Ideas
3 Simple Scarf Patterns
Dinner Party in a Box
Carpet Pinboard How-to
Create Your Own Wall Worthy Artwork
But then it also has some things that make me wary. I get the feeling that this magazine is trying to be a combination of Cosmo and Good Housekeeping. Not just the handy and neat art/food/plant stuff from Martha Stewart Living, but also adding in the ways to please your man/slimming swim suits/how Janet Jackson lost the weight and kept it off that you might find in another magazine... another magazine that I would not read.
Dresses that go from the office to out on the town
This Spring's hottest makeup trends
Beauty, fashion, fitness
Of course it's a great idea, and I'm sure plenty of people will be interested. And I'm probably blowing this out of proportion, but it just goes against what I thought Martha was all about. She didn't seem into the beauty tips or what to wear for a night out. Martha means cakes and pies, growing awesome herbs and whipping them into an incredible dinner, and how to make a unique craft out of an old coffee can. Why did she (ie her marketing department) have to mess with that killer formula?

Haven't seen Blue Print but I love Martha's other magazines, especially Everyday Food. I agree that Martha has built an amazing empire. I enjoy her creativity and her recipes -- and the pictures in her magazines have been absolutely awsome. Milly
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