Working Girl

Yesterday I knew that boyfriend would be getting home late, so I had hopes of getting some housekeeping stuff done... vacuuming, putting away the clean clothes, and making some pumpkin ice cream. Unfortunately, I wound up working for 11 hours.
This was my first official "late night." It didn't need to be late, my boss put off something a little later than he should have. At least I get paid overtime?
Sunday was also my two month anniversary of working at this job. Really, my two month anniversary of full time work. We'll see how long I last!
Labels: Careers
Um, Ok, so congrats on making 2 months? I hate bosses that make their dumbness your emergency!
How do you make pumpkin ice cream?!
Do you have an ice cream machine? It's a must-have with making ice cream.
Ah, no. We have been looking for one that has the hand crank and you use rock salt. Do the plug-in ones really work that well? If so, I'm game!
The plug-in ones do work well, at least the one I have does. I'm using a Deni ice cream machine, you can find it here:
There are of course more updated models at this point. The first time I used it the ice cream didn't come out well, but that was only because I didn't freeze the cannister long enough... that's about the most important step. Good luck!
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