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Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Work Blues

I remember the days when I used to sit at work almost bored. At that time I only had a few things assigned to me. Now I have about three or four times the number of assignments I started out with. I want it to be manageable again.

The fast track rat race is not for me. Going in early and coming home late may work for some or even lots of people, maybe they can really throw themselves into it. I come home feeling drained, exhausted, and even a little like I'm being brainwashed. I don't have as much time for the daydreaming or creative thoughts that I was always accustomed to. I need to figure out how to get back on top of things and only work a normal 8 hour day again.

I probably also shouldn't be afraid to take a fake sick day every now and then. It would probably do me good to have some time, even if I'd have to turn off my cell phone because I'm sure that work would call. Hmm.. maybe they'd be real sick days after all.

I keep thinking that I can't wait to veg out this weekend, but that's what I wind up doing most weekends. I don't have the energy to explore the city and try out a museum. Even making plans with friends gets too much for me. I feel like all week long I'm detached from myself, and on the weekends it's time to be with me.

Before I get to creepy and weird, I'll stop. I was just feeling the work blues a little (okay, a lot).



Blogger Loralee Choate said...

Creepy and weird would be if you were bitching that you didn't have enough down time to stalk your boss on the weekends or the fact that you are feeling a sudden sense of arousal for your pumpkin bunt pans.

You're still in the normal stage. Trust me.

2:26 PM  
Blogger erin said...

they're not fake sick days... they're mental health days (and i never feel remorse for taking them) :)

3:30 PM  
Blogger Seredne said...

ha! arousal for my pumpkin bundt pans... don't think I'm quite there yet... but I wouldn't rule it out entirely.

I think I feel a mental health day coming on real soon :-P

7:45 AM  

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