This has probably been my busiest work week yet. My responsibilities have doubled, and I've been feel rather sick all week as well. BUT...

My "In case of zombies" shirt from Threadless! came yesterday! The design is great, the fabric is good because it's that thinner, softer kind of fabric instead of what you'd expect on a man's t-shirt, but damn am I glad I opted for the bigger size. These things are built rather small, despite what the size chart says. Also shipping took a little longer than what my greedy hands normally like, but hey, I'm flexible.
Earlier in the week my Sunsilk sample also came! The sample comes with a tester of the shampoo, conditioner, and 24/7 creme (you choose which type you need). It also comes with a $1 off coupon on either the shampoo or conditioner and a $1 off coupon on the 24/7 creme! It's a sweet deal, and if you haven't ordered your sample yet I suggest that you do! Today I am trying the 24/7 creme (I had only bought the shampoo and conditioner), and so far I like it. I don't think I've ever used a creme in my hair afterwards; I usually use a gel or mousse. We'll give it the 24 hour test and then see how it is!
Also, Virginia decided she is ready for a Democrat Senator but not for same-sex marriages or civil unions. In fact, Virginia is not for the rights of any non-married couples, even with members of the opposite sex. But, I guess she's come a long way, so I can't complain. I never thought Virginia would have a Democrat in the Senate, she showed me. I honestly had a hard time debating same-sex marriages. But after many conversations with friends and many stories about couples living together for 30 years and then one was left with nothing or couldn't come into the hospital room while their partner was dying, I was able to see it differently. I'm wary of change, I just like to have the whole story and think about it from every angle. But not allowing same-sex couples to be able to commit to and provide for one another seems rather unfair. Maybe next time, Virginia.
And here's another excellent video. Maybe you've seen it before, but it still entertains me every time I watch. Happy Friday!
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