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Tuesday, December 26, 2006


The Veil

What can I say? This was the worst Christmas ever. Possibly/probably one of my worst weekends at home ever. I'm sorry, but no one can possibly understand. This isn't "oh, everyone's family is quirky and crazy." This isn't your Uncle Marty getting drunk and saying offensive things. This isn't your mother being a constant nag or silently disapproving of your lifestyle. It's not your sister's kids who eat bark and stick paint chips in their ears. This has nothing to do with law school, either. It's a sickness that's existed since before I was born, it's unspeakable, and it is something I can't discuss with the internet or friends.

I'm calling a therapist back tomorrow. I will still blog. It will not be every single day. I will learn to live this life, or I won't.

Hope you all had truly wonderful holidays. Thank you.


Blogger Loralee Choate said...

I am very sorry. I think therapy is a good idea, babe. Don't underestimate what people grew up with. Just because it isn't said, doesn't mean it isn't THERE.

I think there are those of us who would understand much better than you think. Not saying this to "One Up", just to let you know that others have sick and horrifying things in our families and you are not alone.

9:39 PM  

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