Can't Wait for 2008
The election in 2008 is going to be incredible. The build-up, for one thing, is astounding. Getting George Dubs out of the White House is not even in the front of my mind. I just can't wait to see how everything changes: the economy, the war, and all the wrath directed towards the central government. I can't even say that I hate the President because it's all too obscene. I am hoping some real good will spring from it all.
I will admit that in the past I have always been a Hillary Clinton hater. The woman just rubbed me the wrong way. It really had nothing to do with her politics and more to do with the fact that she stood by a man whose number of casual oral favors would rival George Dubs' disapproval rating. Where's the self-respect? When I thought that it was all just a cold, calculating political move I was even more disgusted. I have friends who herald her as a hero, or even a saint, among women.

I sure as hell do not think Hillary is a hero or saint. But, she is a woman. And even though I'm not even sure anymore what her politics are, as today's "Who Are You, Hillary" article by Richard Cohen points out, that may be enough for me.
We need change. Big change. Not the kind that the usual bantering back and forth between parties is going to solve. I'm not saying that a woman is going to solve all or even most of the problems, but it would be a nice kick in the ass after the last eight years. We need more change than some presidential nominee standing up and saying, "George Bush ruined this and that, but I'm going to turn this boat around." We need something symbolic. Sometimes people need a visual.
Thus, after years of hate, Hillary and I became fast friends. They say the five stages of grief are:
1. denial
2. anger
3. bargaining
4. depression
5. acceptance
What about Seredne's five stages of love? I think it would look rather similar:
1. violent hate
2. denial
3. anger
4. bargaining
5. sweet love
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