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Monday, August 21, 2006


Oh the Excitement... for them

This past weekend was move-in weekend at my alma mater. My young friends are collecting their apt and dorm accessories and packing it up. After summers that consisted of traveling across the country, traveling across the world, mostly being unemployed, and drinking every night of the week, they're back to take classes again.

My cousin will be in Rome all semester. Some people I know who recently graduated are beginning graduate school. Hopefully it works out better for them then it did me, especially for my friend who is beginning law school today. Her away message says

today is my first day of school AND picture day! haha i wonder if I can hang an LL Cool J poster in my locker

She's so excited. Over the past year when she would ask me for advice I would usually respond just wait, don't go quite yet. But thinking about it now, she is much different than I am. And for some reason it's hard for me to understand that just because I hated it doesn't mean everyone else does or will, even though a great majority do.

Ah, to be in college again!


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