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Wednesday, January 03, 2007


High Fives All Around

New Year's Eve is supposed to be one time out of the year where you just go nuts. Respectable people can get wasted and barf on their neighbor's shoe. You can sorta be drunk in public. You can stay out the entire night. Nothing is open, and the whole country is doing the same thing.

But every New Year's Eve I feel an incredible lameness wash over me. It's usually the one night of the year where the last thing I want to do is anything. Last year boyfriend and I had a good excuse not to go out; it was his first year of his hellish job and he basically freaked out. This year, humorously, he was also freaking out but it was because he bought a car. Most of the weekend was spent at car dealers playing the haggling game. He bought the car on New Year's Eve day, and I think as it grew closer towards evening "funtime" he was moving in and out of his "shit, I just wedded myself to an expensive car payment for the next X years" coma.

So he wasn't going to argue when I said that all I wanted to do that night was watch Ace of Cakes. But, obligations.... guilt... we went out.

First we played a few hours of wii in our favorite home theater to warm ourselves up. Then we made it over to a party where, in a truly sly plot, we helped our friend and his crush realize their feelings for one another. At around 2am, we went back (you guessed it) to play more wii until 4am.

Most New Year's Eves I find myself thinking about the future... where I'll be, what I'll be doing, etc. Usually I have a scene in my head for what the future looks like; I'm a big daydreamer. I really didn't have anything this time, though. I wasn't sad or anxious about it. It just was, if that makes any sense. So I'm not sure how I feel about 2007 yet, except that it feels rather freeing. I don't have a formula for this year yet, but I do have some tools to work with that I hope will make it great.

Happy '07


Blogger Loralee Choate said...

OMG! Ace of cakes RULES! I adore Duff. I love that you are such a foodie. It cracks me up and is nice that someone likes the same things I do.

Cool about the new car. When I first read the heading on bloglines I thought it said "New BOYFRIEND" And I was going to do a major, "WTF?".

Glad to see it is all good in that arena. Don't worry about not having a formula yet. It is better to get the right formula than rush a wrong one.

2:38 PM  
Blogger Seredne said...

I wish my friends and I could band together like Ace of Cakes... we definitely have the lots of enthusiasm for something (we just don't know what...) going on.

No new boyfriend! Same old boyfriend! The new car is about as exciting as it gets for us. :-)

10:01 PM  

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