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Thursday, April 06, 2006


When the SHIT Hits the Already Shit-Covered Fan

Maybe I should stop pretending that anything else really crosses my mind during the day other than my burning and violently destructive hatred of anything law related.

The last few days have been miserable. Today was perhaps a new low. That is, until I received an e-mail from my favorite family member (said with oozing sarcasm) who will heretofore be known as The Great Manipulator. Can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em... seriously, Satan couldn't live with this woman.

Why, God... WHY can't some people just accept that
  1. I am DONE with the law
  2. I did not decide to withdraw simply because I disdain law school
  3. I was never at any point in my life excited about lawyering
  4. I have spoken with lawyers, phDs, professors, friends, counselors, inanimate objects, JESUS HIMSELF over this decision
  5. fuck you
Obviously Number 5 is the most important one in this list. That pretty much sums it up. What more can I say??


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