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Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Flights of Fancy

So March is a lame month, what can I say? It's tax season?

I've been trying to get some things in order around here so that every entry isn't "whine whine this" and "whine whine that." I'm happy to say that I've had some success. This apartment is clean (well, I haven't gotten to the bathroom yet). I've dusted, vacuumed, taken out three big bags of trash... who says that cleaning your house can't be a metaphor for life?

I stopped whining about it and started reading again. I'm currently reading a book called Pawn of Prophecy, the first in a series. It's a fantasy book, which means I would probably get a lot of mocking sneers if I didn't desperately try to covertly cover the title with my hands while riding the public transportation to work. Either you like fantasy or you don't, and if you don't, you're likely to think that the person reading it is a leper. You can enjoy Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, but you had better keep it mainstream... or else!

On a radically different note, don't you hate how once you cut your hair you instantly regret it? Beforehand it's all you can think about. You ask everyone you know for their opinion. Some people say "don't do it," some say "of course!"... whatever they say only emboldens you that you must do this. The sooner the better! Don't waste any more time!

Then it's all over. You're left with a haircut that is too short even to put it all up without little pieces falling down. Alright, alright, I have to bring it back to me. I'm left with this short hair. Wearing it the way I've always worn it (curly) now just looks like a sad clown wig. A friend suggested I dye it rainbow colors to complete the look; sure, what have I got to lose? Now I have to straighten it with a flat iron every day.

At first people love it straight. They're blown away. They probably think, "WOW! She doesn't always look like a sad clown!" Or, "Gee, she looks great without that frizzy powder puff on her head." But people are fickle (like me for cutting my hair), and the novelty has worn off. Now I just look like any other straight haired girl riding the straight haired metro. What's one more girl with flat, straight hair? Whoopty-do!

At least when it was curly it was "different." Anyone know where I can get some miracle grow? Or perhaps some little green seed paste, leave my head in water overnight, and in the morning it can be "Cha-Cha-Cha-Chia!"

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Blogger Loralee Choate said...

I have so had hair whacking regret.
It's why I color it now. Much easier to undo, but BIG impact.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Seredne said...

I've thought about that, but..
isn't the upkeep rough? you have to keep dying, keep dying, keep dying, right?
what if the color is awful? how do you undo it?

8:04 PM  

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