Free Guitar Lessons for Animals
So, I've moved in with my boyfriend and started a new job. What is the next logical step? What is it that you would start wanting under these same circumstances?
Why, a pet, of course!

I have never had a dog. My family has always had cats; one cat, really. The cat is almost as old as I am. Eight years ago we got a second cat. She was supposed to be my cat, while the other cat was more my brother's.

So, no dogs and no cat. I decided to get a fish.
I had a fish my freshman year of college. His name was Disco, and he was a fantail goldfish. He lived maybe 3 months, and I was pretty sad when he died. I know that he was just a fish, but my first year was sometimes painful and it was nice to take care of something. But most fish don't do very well unless they have a filter.
My mom has had a betta fish, Phish, for almost five months. It seemed low maintenance and full of vigor. The pet store had a surprisingly great collection and everything was clean. Usually I remember fish sections as dank and disgusting. I didn't buy a normal betta; I bought a crown-tail betta. I don't know how they're different except that crown-tails have fins that look like dred locks.
You may recognize bettas from your office... people like keeping them in bowls with a giant plant sticking out the top. I recently found out that this is a bad idea.
Meet Gremlin!

But finally Gremlin has started acting like a fighting fish. I put him on the kitchen counter, and in the morning when I first turn the light on he sticks up his fins and darts around. So maybe he's a real betta after all.
It's nice to have him. We're turning into quite a motley circus in this apartment.
Congratulations on your new addition! Will you be having a baby shower? Perhaps you could register for food, water filters, pebbles, a fish-mat for the bowl?
Bummer on the cat and dog. You can always visit them, right?
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