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Friday, January 26, 2007


Hearts & Kisses

Blogging community, help me out!

My boyfriend and I have a great relationship.  Really, every day we're kind and considerate to one another, we have tons of fun, we laugh constantly, we have similar quirks and obsessions and we are humbled and take quiet joy in the warm love we share. 

BUT, Valentine's Day has never been our strong point.

Part of it started by just being snarky kids in high school, thinking we're "above" such trite and silly things.  Besides, how special of a day can you REALLY have in high school AND on a school night?  Part of it started by having just spent lots of money on one another on Christmas.  And another part is probably to appease single friends who disdain the holiday and to always be the " p.c." couple (ie, no pda). 

I want to start a Valentine's Day recovery.  It's really a day for us isn't it?  And why the hell shouldn't we celebrate us? 

Should I take him out to dinner somewhere fancy?  Should I cook a special dinner at home? 
I'm out of the Valentine's loop.  Any help is appreciated :-)


Blogger Loralee Choate said...

It really depends on what you are in need of- Do you go out/eat out a lot and so that staying in would be a special treat? Or are you home all the time and want to dress up and party?

Here are my votes:
If you stay in, light candles, rent your favorite movies that evoke a cuddly or intimate feel and make a dinner that you can interact with. I personally LOVE fondue for this. Make a cheese and a chocolate and load a tray with whole bunches of fruits, veg, breads etc. and good wine. MMM...

If you go out, skip the gifts and cards and instead splurge a bit on REALLY good food.

Just my 2-cents.

2:34 PM  

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