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Monday, April 17, 2006


Myspace isn't Yourspace

Today in a restaurant my boyfriend ran into a guy he knew from high school, middle school, and elementary school. They exchanged updates and also some other news about people from high school. One guy, you know.. your stereotypical high school football playing jerk, now sells printers. Oh, what a tired cliche.

For some reason this year more than any other it seems to me that I've heard more about people from high school. This is maybe mostly my own doing because I, for a brief period of time, joined Myspace.

Like most things I hate at first and then grow to love, it was an uneasy courtship. First, I ranted and raved about the evils of it. Next, I began investigating it more and looking at people's profiles. I started an account with a fake name, got scared, and quit. Again I started an account with a fake name, looked around, and quit.

Finally I started a real account. It was fun at first. I caught up with some people I just live far away from now but still really enjoy spending time with. But then I started catching up with old people that I later realized I was MUCH happier without them in my life.

I won't deny I've had an odd life. I've never joined the circus or worked in the porn industry, but I've been good friends with many different kinds of people. Yet while I'm not going to deny the past, I'd also kind of like to keep it in the past. I've moved on a great deal, and I'm nowhere near where I used to be. Most people I used to be friends with still seem like they're there... sloggin through it. And I think there are some things in the past that just don't need rehashing or revisiting. Some things are just over.

As much as I get curious now about some people from the past, I think it's finally sunken in that I should just let it rest. It's probably only going to make me upset; it certainly adds nothing to my happiness. It only reminds me of how melodramatic things were back then... how self-centered it all was. I almost want to smack those people now and just say, "GET OVER YOURSELF!"

Needless to say, I quit Myspace a few weeks ago and I have not missed it at all. The dark colored backgrounds, mysterious quotes, vacant photos that attempt to make the person look sexy/fun-loving/different... such pretentious bullshit. Do we need validation that much??

Believe it or not, I'm intensely private. I like to keep "myspace" separate from "yourspace."

And, I'm allowed to slander Myspace all I want. Everyone wins, really. It's trendy to love or hate myspace these days...


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