The Haircut
I've gone to the same hair stylist in the city where my parents live for about 6 or 7 years. I've gone to another person maybe once when I was really in a rush and in a different city. I thought I would be adventurous and try to find a new person, that was mistake number 1.
Mistake number 2 was trying to find this person in the area that I'm in now. Thank you, DC area for being so ridiculously overpriced and outrageous.
I found a place close by that seemed decent. The reviews online were good as well. When I got there, the woman, speaking very rough English, immediately started pawing at my hair and saying it was dry. My hair might be a lot of things... giant, frightening at times, but it's really not dry. She went on about how she didn't like how my highlights were done and that she'd do them better next time (for only $160, mind you) by using different colors and "winter tones." Next time, next time, next time... that's all she kept saying, including "I'll do better next time." Well, don't do better next time. Please do better now while I'm here and paying!
Half way through the cut, one of the stylists noticed that someone had brought them free watches. So they all ran over to try on these watches. My stylist kept coming back and forth asking me how I thought different ones look. What I really thought was that I'd be there entirely too long for entirely too little and that it was almost time for American Idol!
Maybe some women get there hair cut every month and a half like one of the stylists told me. Maybe when they go they like sitting around shooting the shit with the stylists who know all about how their husband never helps out around the house, etc. I am not one of these women. I get a haircut about every 6 months, maybe I a little more often if I have some place to be.
I don't expect to spend ONE HOUR AND A HALF getting JUST A HAIRCUT, not even color! I don't expect to spend almost $100 on JUST A HAIRCUT! I don't want the stylist crapping all over my hair which I think was decent before she started chopping it! She made my hair flat! How is that even possible on my hair?
At the very least, I think my old stylist could have done a better job and for a lot cheaper. When I spend that much money and time I expect something great, not something flat.
*Faces have been distorted to protect my innocence!

I LOATHE the stylist "Tsk, tsk, tsk" attitude about the state of my hair. HATE IT.
A good stylist is hard to find. I am thinking I have to change mine around because I'm saving for Europe and she is just too pricey.
I get my hair done a lot more often, though. I do sometimes switch stylists just because I love change.
I would be completely pissed off with your experience. Hopefully, you got a good shampoo and scalp massage. You should have, for that price.
I, too, do not appreciate some woman pawing at my hair and telling me it is something I know darned well it isn't. It took me 3 years to find a good hairstylist (where I am now). I just made sure that each time I saw a new one I mentioned I was coming in for a consultation first - it usually cost nothing or near nothing for that.
Besides the awfulness, from what I can see, your hair looks loverly :)
Loralee, Well, they told me they weren't going to charge me extra to condition my hair... but they must have. The price range listed on the website was $35-55, so they definitely charged me for something. Maybe they charged by the minute! :-P
Penguin, yes, she kept telling me my ends were damaged, but I don't have split ends! Thanks for the compliment though!
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